5.1 Surround Sound Music & Video  –  Continental Drift on 3BBR & CRN  –  Australian Television  –  Paintings  –  Design  –  Cartoons  –  Animation  –  Sculpture  –  Woodcraft


Video works by Garry Havrillay and significant collaborations, most presented here in best available resolution with surround sound.

Fernie B.C.


Time-lapse video taken in February 2005 at Fernie ski resort in Canada / Music by Open Circle Party

Multichannel Audio Format: Surround Sound



UFO theorists are interested in this phenomenon in the Grampians, comparing it to Hessdalen in Norway / Music by Garry Havrillay

Multichannel Audio Format: Surround Sound

Snow Ghosts


Conifers totally encased in wind-blown snow create an alien world / Music by Garry Havrillay

Multichannel Audio Format: Surround Sound



Alludes to the final sparks of life in the aftermath of a deadly car accident. Past experiences flash before the victim's eyes as he lurches towards his fate.

Multichannel Audio Format: Surround Sound

Gantheaume Point


The best time to be at Gantheaume Point is sunset. The tides regularly rise 8 meters, and the local Aboriginal people were absolutely right to describe this as a very special place.

Multichannel Audio Format: Surround Sound