5.1 Surround Sound Music & Video – Continental Drift on 3BBR & CRN – Australian Television – Paintings – Design – Cartoons – Animation – Sculpture – Woodcraft
Video works by Garry Havrillay and significant collaborations, most presented here in best available resolution with surround sound.
Fernie B.C.
Time-lapse video taken in February 2005 at Fernie ski resort in Canada / Music by Open Circle Party
A manic journey through seemingly endless self-inflicted disruption.
UFO theorists are interested in this phenomenon in the Grampians, comparing it to Hessdalen in Norway / Music by Garry Havrillay
Snow Ghosts
Conifers totally encased in wind-blown snow create an alien world / Music by Garry Havrillay
Alludes to the final sparks of life in the aftermath of a deadly car accident. Past experiences flash before the victim's eyes as he lurches towards his fate.
Gantheaume Point
The best time to be at Gantheaume Point is sunset. The tides regularly rise 8 meters, and the local Aboriginal people were absolutely right to describe this as a very special place.