5.1 Surround Sound Music & Video – Continental Drift on 3BBR & CRN – Australian Television – Paintings – Design – Cartoons – Animation – Sculpture – Woodcraft

George spent every spare minute on artistic work, either as a designer, painter, cartoonist, would-be author or stop-motion animator. He loved history and quirky anecdotes that drew parallels to 20th century living.
From his early years in art school in Prague, to the height of his career in television as Art Director at GTV9 and HSV7 in Melbourne Australia in the 1960's, he never stopped pursuing excellence in his craft and showing admiration for some of the greatest known artists.
His sense of humour shines though in his brief "official" CV;
born 1921
Prague English Grammar School
Academy of Applied Arts - Prague, Budapest
1945-50 Staff Artist US Command Heidelberg
(My lifesize portrait of General Patton is at West Point Military Academy USA.)
1950-51 Sweeping floors - Gas Works Melbourne
1951-56 Industrial Designer - Nylex Corp.
1956-61 Art director Channel 9 Melb.
1961-70 Art director Channel 7 Melb.
1971-79 Freelancing
1979-84 Art Dept. Coordinator - Crawford Productions
1984-96 Freelancing
I initially created this website in honour of my father, the principal aim being to exhibit some of his creative output. Some of the paintings on display are for sale.
George died of prostate cancer in 2001 at the age of 80. He was a gentle, generous, honourable and fair-minded man.
Garry Havrillay