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Garry's Blog
Vote NO to Nuclear Power in Australia
— It's time to make your voice heard. With a Federal election looming, tell the Opposition that their nuclear ideology is INSANE. Don't give them a mandate to implement it. Keep this issue high…
Australia, you blew it!
— After a predictable resounding “No” vote, I’m not so proud of being part of what appears to be a country still entrenched with unfounded fears and racist teachings.
Gambling couched in glamour
— There's a new perverse kind of voyeurism with Australia's premier gambling event.
What's our COVID future?
— Locked in, locked out, locked up. Check in, check out, check up. Here's my prediction.
"Do you feel lucky, punk?"
— COVID news stories are not being created on a Hollywood sound stage — A message to anti-vaxxers.
The Facebook Gambit
— As I write today, Australia is engaged in a battle that the world is watching.
Sending merchandise via international mail? Think again.
— Economy International Air Mail is no longer an option, so how will I avoid paying ten times more for postage?
Goodbye Facebook
— #DeleteFacebook — Let's be clear. Facebook is a prolific data miner, and abound with false information. You should fear this.
Making a documentary about an extraordinary Indonesian artist
— It seemed right that I use my skills to help edit and complete this major documentary. It's finally done. Watch the Trailer here.