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I've been silent for long enough on this ... We don't need a referendum. We don't need a plebiscite. We don't need excuses and convoluted stalling tactics.
I'm totally fed up with the Catholic baggage that has swayed Australian politician decision-making for decades. We've moved on. It's time to listen to majority sentiment.
We elect our parliamentary representatives to make decisions on our behalf, hopefully with balanced community input and understanding, and for the betterment of our society. Yes, some people will strongly disagree. Get over it. That most Australians tolerate differences without violence or intimidation is what makes our country a great place to live.
The Federal Government seems happy to tax same-sex couples as if they were married. Marriage equality is about acknowledging that any two people can love each other, and if they choose to do so, affording them exactly the same legal entanglement and rights as a male-female couple.
As Captain Picard says, "Make it so". It's not as if we're boldly going places where no one has gone before. http://www.australianmarriageequality.org/