5.1 Surround Sound Music & Video  –  Continental Drift on 3BBR & CRN  –  Australian Television  –  Paintings  –  Design  –  Cartoons  –  Animation  –  Sculpture  –  Woodcraft

Storm passing Warragul

Multichannel Audio Format: Surround Sound

A huge cumulonimbus casts a shadow across its own massive girth. Flanked by mammatus clouds, its grotesque face growls as it slinks behind the nearby hill.  Created by Garry Havrillay.

Music by Garry Havrillay — "The World Has Gone Quiet and I'm Hoping Change Will Come" from the album Gravity ©2020

[1080p MP4 video 25fps, AAC 5.1 Surround Sound (multichannel audio interface required) — 59MB — Dur. 1:32]