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Commit to Community TV

Community TV - Week of Action, June 1-5

The value of community media organisations is clear, and close to my heart. I need to share this email below with you. If nothing else, read about the absurd timelines and spurious arguments for reclaiming the spectrum so quickly. If this degree of rapid change was imposed on SBS, the ABC or commercial broadcasters, there would be outrage. One could easily get the impression that our Communications Minister is deliberately setting up Community TV groups for failure.

"Community television will be forced off-air by the Federal Government by 31 December this year under current policy as the government believes that its niche audiences are more appropriately served via an online-only platform." "While community television stations accept that ultimately their future is online, they have had insufficient time to prepare for this transition. The five metropolitan stations in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth need at least another four years of access to both broadcast and online platforms in order to have any chance to make a successful transition to online-only distribution of their programs. Please help to create a viable future for community television in Australia by indicating your support on the Commit to Community TV website." "Please sign up now and find further information at http://i.committocommunitytv.org.au/"

Please support this campaign and write to the Minister via the link above.