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Program 476

ARTIST ... Origin
Title  Duration
(Album) [Label]

(a) Sorrow Supressed 0'56
(b) Eyes Like Berries 1'48
(Sezoni) [Rufus]

MARA! .... Australia
(a) Ajde 4'36
(Ruino Vino) [Rufus]
(b) Travelling 9'51
(Sezoni) [Rufus]

The Bulgarian Voices ANGELITE & HUUN-HUUR-TU .... Bulgaria / Tuva
Fly, Fly My Sadness 7'38
(Fly, Fly My Sadness) [Shanachie]

Rabih ABOU-KHALIL .... Lebanon
Dreams of a Dying City 11'06
(Roots & Sprouts) [ENJA]

Djabur Datur Radjo TADUANG (voice) & Haliman Datuk Radjo GAMPO (saluang flute) .... West Sumatra / Indonesia
A tiger-capturing song 6'26
(Muslim Music of Indonesia - Aceh and West Sumatra: Music of Islam Vol.15 - 2 CD set) [Celestial Harmonies]
This is the one volume in the Music of Islam series not produced by David Parsons. Prof.Margaret Kartomi facilitated these recordings with paragraphs of apology for the "field recording limitations" that pertain to balance and clarity. More at issue should be an admission that all of this material was sadly recorded on substandard non-professional equipment. The music is fortunately extraordinary and rarely heard otherwise. Prof.Kartomi's notes are interesting and extremely detailed, with some references being overly cryptic and inaccessible to a non-academic readership. In fact the CD booklet is so thick it barely fits in the case.

Adel SALAMEH (oud) .... Palestine
Joy 5'12
(The Arab Path to India) [WOMAD Select]
Collaborative improvisation in concert, with other tracks including the sarod of K. SRIDHAR

Sheikh Ahmed Muhammed BARRAYN .... Egypt
Layáli 3'36
(Sufi Songs) [Long Distance]

Natacha ATLAS .... UK
Kidda 4'58
(Halim) [Nation / Shock]

Graham HAYNES .... USA
Walidiya 11'57
(Transition) [Verve]

Ginger BAKER
Under Black Skies 6'44
(Middle Passage) [Axiom]

(a) Ta Magika 4'31
(Next To Nothing) [Venture / Virgin]
(b) Proud Flesh 4'48
(Ekstasis) [Axiom]

Daniel LANOIS .... Canada
(a) St. Anne's Gold 3'28
(Acadie) [Opal Warner]
(b) The Unbreakable Chain 4'16
(For The Beauty Of Wynona) [Warner]

Bruce COCKBURN .... Canada
(a) Mistress of Storms 6'04
(The Charity of Night) [Ryko]
(b) If I Had A Rocket Launcher 4'56
(Stealing Fire) [Gold Castle]
I saw Bruce in concert at the National Theatre last night. He was brilliant, yet again.