5.1 Surround Sound Music & Video – Continental Drift on 3BBR & CRN – Australian Television – Paintings – Design – Cartoons – Animation – Sculpture – Woodcraft
ARTIST ... Origin
Title Duration
(Album) [Label]
ROS BANDT & Sasha BOGDANOVITCH .... Australia / USA
From The Greenhouse (a) Epiphytos 5'53
(b) Exotics 3'50
(Footsteps) [Move]
From October 27 until December 1, you can experience a new installation by Ros Bandt at the Percy Grainger Museum at Melbourne University called A GARDEN FOR PERCY'S DELIGHT.
Hours: Mon 10am-1pm; Tue 10am-4pm; Wed-Fri 10am-5pm. Enter by Gate 13 off Royal Parade
Launched on October 27 with a real time performance with Johannes S. Sistermanns via an ISDN link between the museum and Frankfurt, and a direct broadcast for "The Listening Room" on ABC-FM.
KALULI people from Mt. Bosavi, Southern Highlands Province .... Papua New Guinea
(a) From morning night to real morning 2'40
(b) Making Sago 5'37
(c) Cutting Trees 2'30
(Voices of the Rainforest) [Ryko]
Recordings by Steven FELD.
(a) La Tarana 3'20
(b) Las Guevas 5'04
(Temporal) [BMG]
Hot off the plane from Spain, this CD should be released here shortly.
CALAMUS .... Spain
(a) Ah Ya Muddasin 3'20
(b) Btayhi 10'18
(The Splendour of Al-Andalous - Arab-Andalusian music of the 12th to the 15th Century) [M.A.]
An audiophile recording from a Japanese label! this label has been recording at the new 96kHz sampling rate since 1991. How much more prepared for DVD can you be??
(If you are baffled, DVD is the replacement format for CDs that will encompass multimedia. video & audio. It will be launched very prematurely in Australia before years' end with a video of Evita. This is ironic if you consider the stupidity of zoning Australia with Spanish and Portugese speaking countries of South America, rather than with the USA and the UK. Blame Hollywood.)
(a) Tangos de la condición 4'18
(b) Conductus 4'00
(Temporal) [BMG]
I still have very fond memories of this group from early this year at WOMADelaide.
GAITEROS de LISBOA .... Portugal
(a) Lenga Lenga 3'16
(b) Ai Por Cima 3'53
(Farol Sampler) [Farol]
CELTIC CITY SONS .... Scotland / Australia
(a) Blackleg Miner 3'00
(b) Black is the Colour 4'55
(Traveller) [independent / Black Market Music]
Loreena McKENNITT .... Canada
The Mummer's Dance 6'03
(The Book of Secrets) [Quinlan Road]
Bruce COCKBURN .... Canada
Child of the Wind 4'06
(Nothing But A Burning Light) [Columbia]
Members of the TIBETAN INSTITUTE of PERFORMING ARTS with the GYÜTÖ MONKS .... Dharamsala (Tibetans in exile)
(a) Dra-nyen Shap-dro: The Lute Dance 3'26
(b) Dhama Suna 2'00
(c) Yamantaka 4'52
(Dhama Suna) [Detour]
The title piece is performed at the Dalai Lama's court during the New Year Festival.
Choying DROLMA & Steve TIBBETTS .... Tibet / USA
(a) Kangyi Tengi 6'25
(b) Om Pana Phem 5'22
(Chö) [Ryko]
Temporal 5'00
(Temporal) [BMG]