5.1 Surround Sound Music & Video – Continental Drift on 3BBR & CRN – Australian Television – Paintings – Design – Cartoons – Animation – Sculpture – Woodcraft
ARTIST ... Origin
Title Duration
(Album) [Label]
Rabih ABOU-KHALIL .... Lebanon / Germany
Nocturne au Villaret 6'32
(The Sultan's Picnic) [ENJA]
If you are familiar with some this man's stunning previous work, you may be very disappointed by this disc. Harmonica and tuba are not my idea of a suitable compliment to the oud and double-bass, with the fundamental frequencies of the tuba in particular competing too heavily. These compositions lack new inspiration too. His more tradional style previous release is listed below.
Hamza El DIN .... The Sudan (Nubia)
Nabra 6'33
(Music of Nubia) [Vanguard]
A 1964 recording of just voice and oud, and he is still a fine performer.
Abdel Gadir SALIM .... The Sudan
Mal Wa Ihtagab, concert performance 5'20
(The Merdoum Kings Play Songs of Love) [World Circuit]
Mahmoud AHMED .... Ethiopia
Ohoho Gedama 4'40
(Ere Mela Mela) [Hannibal]
Complete with sleezy brass, wah-wah guitar and organ.
Mehein & Dahai fin BAQID .... U.A.E.
(a) Radha 1'40
Hateim Atiya Khalil SAYED .... Egypt
(b) Ga's 0'41
(Human Voice & Lutes In The World Of Islam) [Topic]
2 Bedouin songs, revealing a distinctive vocal style. A re-release of the original Tangent albums of 1976.
The MUSICIANS of the NILE .... Egypt
Bambi Saidi 4'35
("Latcho Drom" SOUNDTRACK) [Le bande son]
More info with playlist for Continental Drift #331.
BANGA .... Egypt
Sabihaya 2'21
Unknown .... Ethiopia
Tejbeit Bar Song 2'39
(Passion - Sources) [Real World]
Simon SHAHEEN .... Middle East / USA
Sama'i Nahawand 8'13
(Turath - Heritage) [CMP]
Talip OZKAN .... Turkey
Karsilama 5'20
(The Dark Fire) [Axiom]
OGYLI Ensemble .... Azerbaijan
Evlandir 6'12
(Music of Azerbaijan) [King]
Mahmoud GHANIA .... Morocco
Makkaouya 8'15
(Musique Tagnawite) [Sonodisc]
Mahmoud GHANIA & Pharoah SANDERS .... Morocco / USA
Moussa Berkiya / Koubalin Beriah La'Foh 4'27
(Trance of Seven Colours) [Axiom]
Bachir ATTAR .... Morocco / USA
Full Moon At The Window 5'56
(The Next Dream) [CMP]
The MASTER MUSICIANS of JAJOUKA feat. Bachir ATTAR .... Morocco
Mohamed Diha Utalla Fiha 3'26
(Apocalypse Across The Sky) [Axiom]
The women singing in this group all share the name Attar.
Rabih ABOU-KHALIL .... Lebanon / Germany
A Tooth Lost 5'17
(Tarab) [ENJA]
A more traditional style disc, but if the jazz influence takes your fancy, listen to "Blue Camel" and "Al-Jadida". You won't be disappointed.