Troubled Grass and Crying Bamboo: The Music of Roti
MP3 audio excerpts from the CD
Batu Matia performed by A. A. Malelak, Esau Nalle & Johannes Ledoh - The title literally means 'heavy rock,' and this song, well known in many versions across Roti, portrays mankind's Sisyphian struggle with the heavy burden of existence: "Dragging and pulling with suffering a heavy rock like three hundred, pity suffering such as this... As it is, it is as it is."
(MP3 Dur 1'02" 870kb)
Tae Benu performed by the Busalanga Iron Meko Group - Warfare was common between the domains which formerly divided Roti, and traditional dances reflect this. Traditionally, Tae Benu ('Balance') was danced by a warrior's family to welcome him home upon his safe return. The title refers to the 'balancing' hand movements which characterize the dance, and to the idea that 'balance' or 'justice' has been achieved by the successful warrior.
(MP3 Dur 0'59" 828kb)
Baku Natia performed by Daniel Huan - Composed by the performer, this is an intensely personal and idiosyncratic song, filled with local references, in-jokes, puns and parody. The title Baku Natia ('Enough Already') is a pun on Batu Matia (see above) but instead of a 'heavy rock,' here the singer struggles with the weight of his own regret.
(MP3 Dur 0'57" 801kb)