Be Not Afraid to Strike the Gong: The Music of Lombok
MP3 audio excerpts from the CD
Ketejer performed by rebana tuned drum group Bina Karya. When asked what the distinguishing feature of Ketejer is, Bpk Harun, Bina Karya's leader, smiled and said "It is very fast and very intense."
(MP3 Dur 1'05" 1.05MB)
Selutur shadow puppet music performed by Sekarsari. Unlike the shadow puppet plays of Java and Bali which enact Hindu tales, Lombok's wayang Sasak is centred around Muslim themes. The instrumental accompaniment is provided by a large hanging gong, two small gongs, a pair of double-headed drums, mounted cymbals, and a metre-long, ring-stop, bamboo flute.
(MP3 Dur 0'54" 749kb)
Barong Tengkok performed by Warga Sintu Gunung. The barong is a mythical and benevolent dragon-like creature. This piece features interlocking melodies played by two pairs of gong kettles each mounted on an effigy of a barong. The title means 'Shoulder Barong,' as the barong is carried on the player's left shoulder while he plays the mounted gong kettles with a beater held in his right hand.
(MP3 Dur 0'59" 937kb)