This blog for 'The Kartika Affandi Project' website is my diary of the process of making a documentary film about the visionary Indonesian artist Kartika Affandi. I expect to be posting regularly from the first shoot-site in Central Java starting 24th Aug 2015. For now, let's get this blog started by acknowledging some of the persons who deserve a big "Thank you/Terima kasih/Matur nuwun" right from the onset.
To Kartika: Thank you for inviting me to come to your home and studio to make a documentary about you, your long and varied life so far, and your art. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience, thank you for your warmth and openness and for always making me feel welcome. You are a treasure and a true inspiration. And to Mami Kartika's keluarga: Matur nuwun!
To Helfi and Cilla and Everyone at The Affandi Museum: It is impossible to tell Kartika's story without telling the story of her father, the legendary artist Affandi. His influence on Kartika as an artist and as a person, and of course his influence on modern art in Indonesia, cannot be overstated. Thank you for allowing me access to the museum's collections and archives, and for your warmth, cooperation and support.
To Prof. Astri Wright: Thank you for sharing freely from your more than 30 years of research on Kartika, Affandi and art in SE Asia, for your help in planning and composing this documentary, and for your ongoing contribution to this project as Modern Indonesian Art History Consultant.
To Hugh O'Neill: As an expert in Indonesian art and architecture, and as founder of 'The Indonesian Arts Society' in Melbourne, you have long been a wonderfully generous teacher and a wealth of knowledge. Thank you for sharing your insights into Kartika's art and life based on the close friendship you have maintained with her since 1978 when you first hosted Affandi and his daughter Kartika as guests in your home. Without your encouragement I would not have had the courage to attempt this project.
To Garry Havrillay: Thank you for being the project's webmaster and for hosting this site. Garry is a multi-talented and creative audio-engineer, recording artist, broadcaster and more -
To Serena Ryan: Thank you for your assistance with gear, encouragement and sharing knowledge -
To Budi Utomo: Thank you for all of your assistance, research and fine company while I am shooting in Java, and for providing me with access to Kartika's gallery Omahe Kartika which you maintain. A fine artist in his own right, it is hard to imagine Kartika's ongoing activity as an artist continuing with such vitality without the support of Bpk Budi Utomo and his wife (and Kartika's daughter.
To Cynthia Webb: Thank you for sharing your impressions and insights gained from your close, long-lasting friendship with Ibu Kartika, and for supporting and promoting the making of this documentary.
And this list is only going to grow, and can include you too if you decide to get involved.... (cukup sekian sekarang, more to follow)
Meanwhile, here are some morning-coffee photos on the quiet road leading to the active volcano Gunung Merapi in front of Kartika's place, from my last stay there in 2010 (and for those who may have never been there, yes, the 'java' in Java is indeed quite excellent)...